Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation banner at the La Manga Golf Resort, Spain

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School of Hard Knocks Image

£25,000 Provided to the School of Hard Knocks

We are delighted to announce that we have provided £25,000 to the School of Hard Knocks. This is the second instalment of our main grant to SOHK. In year one, the initial grant was used across their schools throughout the UK to help secure the delivery of the wider programme, alongside other funding. We are exceptionally excited to see School of Hard Knocks continue to build on this with their second installment of our main grant.

A flyer of our upcoming Col du Tourmalet cycle

Wasps Legends Reveal Tourmalet Cycle Ride

The Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation are delighted to be joining forces with the children’s medical research charity, Action for A-T, as we head for the Hautes-Pyrénées to tackle the iconic Col du Tourmalet. This much vaunted summer cycling challenge includes a breathtaking climb, which summits at 2,115m, and has been used more than any other mountain pass by the Tour de France. Despite this, it remains an achievable climb for cyclists of all abilities. We are hoping to raise significant funds that can be utilised to provide a grant for Action for A-T. Should we reach our grant target, any subsequent funds will be split equally between Action for A-T and Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation

A picture of our homepage on the new website

Welcome to our new Website

Welcome to our new website, we do hope you enjoy using it. The brief for our new site was to update our branding, optimise it for use across multiple platforms and most importantly, make navigating to key areas of the website as easy as possible. A further key benefit of our new site is the control we have over our content which will have a positive effect over the regularity of new posts and updates going forward. Much of your favourite areas of the website have been moved across, including the Legends database which covers the Men, Woman, Teams and it now also houses our Hall of Fame winners. The Event section has been redesigned and will now be easier to see what’s new, coming up and how to access tickets to our stellar event roster. We have also updated our impact page with greater transparency as to how the valuable funds we raise, assist those most in need within our Wasps and wider rugby community. In addition, we have amalgamated memberships into our Get Involved page and made the grant giving application process a little clearer and easier to access than before. Whilst exciting, please do bear with us as we get up to speed with using it and integrating it more fully into the way Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation work. There will be amends as we go along and there will also be additions to some of the existing pages. Should you have any feedback, please do feel free to share it. We would like to thank Andrew Burgess and Equimedia for their assistance on building this new platform, one which we are excited to build on as we move forward. Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation