Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation banner at the La Manga Golf Resort, Spain

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Lawrence Dallaglio at the Wasps Legends Rugby Golf Classic in La Manga in June 2023.

Wasps Legends La Manga Golf Classic 2023

Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation held their 6th ‘Wasps Legends Rugby Golf Classic’ in La Manga in June sponsored by Deepbridge Capital LLP. Since its inception, the Wasps Legends Rugby Golf Classic has brought together Rugby and other sporting legends to play in a two-day golf tournament to raise money for charitable projects close to the hearts Wasps Legends community. Our celebrities, a mix of Wasps Legends and other legends of the game included Giselle Mather, Ken Moss, Chris Braithwaite, Peter Scrivener, Sol N’Jie, Rob Lozowski, Jason Turner, Jimmy Gopperth, Simon Shaw MBE, Joe Worsley MBE, Andy Gomarsall MBE, Lawrence Dallaglio OBE, Damian Hopley MBE and Jason Leonard OBE. We were also pleased to welcome back football legend Liverpool ex-striker Neil Mellor and Invictus Games Captain, Major Bernie Broad. The sporting stars entertained all the teams, which boasted caps from across the home nations as well as the British and Irish Lions and the Barbarians. Teams were also treated to three charity dinners, which all contributed to the fundraising over the weekend, which raised over £75,000. The money raised will benefit the Wasps Legends Charitable Foundation’s grant recipient charities which will be voted on later this year. We want to thank our title sponsors, Deepbridge Capital LLP, for their continued support of the event. We would also like to thank our other sponsors, for which we are incredibly grateful for their ongoing generosity. This includes Elmsite Services, Red Industries, Buzzacott, Artel Scaffolding, Bates, Purple Ski, Skybound Services, Hadley Property Group, Stockford Anderson and HISL.